Senior cats are in trouble if they lose their home and it happens all too often.
A couple has a baby and the cat has trouble adjusting...
A new cat or dog joins the household and they don't get along...
The owner, due to age or financial problems, is no longer able to keep their pet...
Many shelters routinely euthanize senior cats and sometimes any cat over one year of age because of the difficulties of adopting them out. Cats over the age of six or seven may be considered "senior" when they are really still in the prime of their life since indoor cats generally live to age 15 or more.

There are benefits to adopting a senior cat. They are generally calmer and less likely to get into trouble. Their personalities are established so you can really find a good match for your household. They are far less demanding of attention and generally happy just to be in your company.
Feline Rescue promises a lifelong commitment to the cats we take into our care. If they don't get adopted, they stay with us, but living at a shelter is seldom the best life for a cat. We have several cats who are really looking for their own homes now to get away from the hustle and bustle of the shelter and we are reducing their adoption fee to try to help make that a reality.
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