Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Best Buds
It's still cold here in Minnesota with snow on the ground. Alice, a former Feline Rescue kitty, has found a great way to keep warm.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Caring for Community Cats

One Feline Rescue volunteer—a dedicated caregiver to the outdoor cats in his neighborhood—helped get these cats spayed and neutered.

Some of the cats were spayed/neutered and released back outside to be cared for. This friendly mom cat and her kittens were brought inside to be socialized and adopted out to good homes.

Karma and Kayla (and mom Navigator) are now happy house cats and looking for a good home!

Here are more outdoor cat caregivers in the news:
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Adventures of Birdie and Feather

Birdie and Feather were hungry and dehydrated and became very sick. But with the help of some good vets, the kind volunteers at Feline Rescue, and their own determination, Birdie and Feather are healthy and strong again. They’re ready for their next adventure, which they would prefer to be less arduous than their last one. They would settle for an exciting new home with soft beds, lots of good food, and kind people who will love them and keep them safe and warm forever. In the meantime, they will do their exploring here at the Feline Rescue Adoption Center.

Birdie and Feather are beautiful and affectionate girls with short, sweet little tails. To meet them, stop by or call 651-642-5900, ext.3.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Orange Crush

It’s hard to resist this guy. Riley James is gorgeous, sweet, and very orange. Riley was living under a porch when he was rescued this winter. This talkative young guy is full of energy and tons of fun. He would love to spend the spring and summer lounging on your screened-in-porch, chirping at the birds. He’s waiting for you at the Feline Rescue Adoption Center!

Stop by or call 651-642-5900, ext.3. for more information about Riley James.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Save the Date! Annual Spaghetti Dinner May 1
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Misty fka Daisy and Her New Ferret Friends
I just wanted to send you some pictures of Daisy now Misty! She is doing great she opened up to us really fast and gets along with the ferrets.
Thanks :)
It took awhile for Misty to find her purrrfect home but who would have thought she was waiting for ferrets. Thank you Brittni!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Madrid "Madi" All Settled In
Madrid (we usually call her "Madi" because it seems less formal) has settled in very nicely to her new home. She was pretty nervous the first couple days and spent a lot of time hiding under the bed, but she now wanders comfortably throughout the house, and usually keeps us company when we're home. She sleeps with us at night and has made herself quite comfortable on our bed, as you can see from one of the attached photos. When we have guests, she comes right up and wants to get to know them, too. My parents were here a few week-ends after she came home with me, and she insisted on sleeping with them for part of the night.
She loves to play, and we really enjoy playing with her. She has a number of new toys and also continues to play with the toy that came with her from Feline Rescue.
She's been eating well. It took me a little while to figure out what kind of canned food she likes because she has completely different tastes from our previous cat, but I have found two brands and a few different flavors that she enjoys. She's on a mix of dry (no grain) and canned food now and is maintaining a healthy weight.
We had our first visit to the vet a couple weeks ago, and that was a little traumatic for both of us. She was fine during the actual visit, but I had to chase her around the house for about 10 minutes before I was finally able to get her into the carrier (I got her in a few times and she kept getting out before I could close it). Then she cried soooo loudly all the way to the vets, and I felt horrible!. I just kept telling her I was so sorry. The vet said she is healthy and doing well, so that was good to hear (I wasn't expecting to hear anything different, but it was still good to know). I took her to the Inver Grove Heights Animal Hospital, which is pretty close to my house. It was my first time going there, and I really liked the vet.
Madrid is such a beautiful cat, and my husband and I are both very happy to have her. Everyone who meets her, or sees her photos, just loves the coloring on her face!
Thanks for everything you all do!
Thank you for giving Madrid a loving home!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Update on Valentine and her kittens
Valentine's kittens are getting bigger and more active all the time:
Feline Rescue has a great need for additional foster caregivers, please contact Cathy at 651-230-3263 if you can help. To our surprise, given the long snowy winter, the birthing season has begun early and we can only help if we have foster homes.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Oscar Pepper's New Cat Family
Thought you would appreciate an update on how Oscar is doing (aka Dr.Pepper). He has been such a delight to have as part of our family. He's playful and loving and very entertaining! He and Cecil, his sister, perform acrobatics for us and race all around the house, pausing occasionally to pounce on one of the many dreaded, threats such as the little toy mice or sparkle ball, and we are safe for another day.
Oscar loves to drink from the bathroom sink! He was fascinated when he saw how his brothers and sisters did this. He so well adapted and comfortable with us. Ann, you and your family did a wonderful job fostering. We even noticed how Oscar is not totally freaked out with the vacuum running.
Wendy, >^..^<
p.s. Oscar is an experienced killer of toilet paper rolls and paper
towels on the roll! Have to keep these out of his reach
Thank you Wendy and family for providing a loving home for Oscar!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Peanut Butter and Pickles Update

Early reports from their new mom were good:
Just wanted to report that all is well! Peanut Butter is helping Dave feed the fish (the fish tank has been a great source of entertainment!) and Pickles is helping me type. She does not realize that standing on the keyboard is not really a good idea…
They have not met our dog, Pepper, face-to-face just yet. They have sniffed each other under the door a few times, and we've fed the cats near the door so they associate that dog smell with the pleasure of food. Pepper seems to know that something is up, but is being very calm about it. (The kitty paws reaching under the door may have tipped him off...)
The photos are all on the kitty condo Dave built for our last cats. It looks out the basement door and gives the cats a great view of our front yard. We've switched the cats and the dog a few times, moving Pepper to the basement so the cats can explore the living room and the bedrooms upstairs. It also gets them familiar with each others' scent...
Thank you for all you do as a foster parent! We appreciate it and I know the cats do too!
And a few days later:
Connecting with Pepper the dog was a success! Pepper even tries to play with their toys with them (he takes the catnip mice and walks away, but then drops the toy expecting the cats to come take it away from him... the cats haven't quite figured this out yet)... All is well as we adjust to the workday routine…Here are more photos. Enjoy!

Thanks to Nicole, Dave, and Pepper for giving Sam and Stella a wonderful home together!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Friendly Felix
Felix recently lost his home and is now at the Feline Rescue Adoption Center looking for someone new to love. He’s quiet, gentle, affectionate—an all around super nice guy. And Felix is used to living with other cats too.
If you are also the gentle sort and looking for a quiet cat to slip into your orderly life, come meet our neat, sweet, friendly Felix!
Stop by the Feline Rescue Adoption Center or call 651-642-5900, ext.3.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Valentina - Ready to Find Her Home
Valentina, rescued mid February and not to be confused with Valentine rescued the day after Valentine's Day, is all ready to find her family. Valentina is a sweet, playful 4-5 month old tabby girl.
Her foster caregiver sent dozens of super cute kitten photos and since we can only post at most four on Valentina's online profile we thought we should share more of them here.
If you are interested in meeting Valentina, please call 651-705-6264.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Sadey's Story
A while back, the person I loved passed away. I’ve been looking for another kind person to take me in ever since.
I’m gentle and sweet but quite shy at first. If you visit the Feline Rescue Adoption Center, you’ll most likely find me in the SE corner of the building, sitting way up high. I like to avoid crowds.
I’m looking for a person who understands that some cats just don’t like to be in the middle of the action. Once I get to know you, I would like to sleep in the middle of your bed or perhaps to sit in the middle of your lap. I do love attention—particularly in the form of petting.
Once things settle down, when there aren’t as many people around and the rambunctious kittens have all fallen asleep, then Sadey comes out to play. I like calm games and quiet friends.
I get along great with all the cats here at the adoption center and would love to go home with another cat. Wayne is my favorite. We like to eat out of the same food bowl and to groom each others’ ears.
Wayne is shy like me. He feels quite at home with all these other cats and doesn’t want to go home with just any old cat lover. He has to choose you.
If you’re a calm, patient person looking for a cat who’s the same, I hope you will visit the Feline Rescue Adoption Center. Remember to look up, and I’ll be looking down for you.

For more information or to meet Sadey, stop by the Feline Rescue Adoption Center or call 651-642-5900, ext 3.