Monday, February 15, 2010

Update on 2009 Tree Kittens

In early May 2009, Feline Rescue volunteers rescued 3 kittens from the inside of a rotting tree trunk. The tree was being cut up for disposal by workers using chain saws. The mother cat was seen, but could not be captured that day. She was live-trapped two days later and reunited with her kittens. The mother (Louisa) and 2 of the kittens (Mica and Mysty) had very unusual color and markings, which resembled those of an Egyptian Mau purebreed cat. The third kitten (Parker) was a picture-perfect tuxedo. All of the kittens and the mother have found wonderful, permanent homes. The two kittens who resemble Egyptian Maus were re-named by their new humans and given Egyptian names: Shu (an Egyptian god) and Maat (an Egyptian goddess).

According to their human caregivers, "Shu and Maat have been winning over our friends and the new vet and generally making themselves popular. She's up to 8 pounds and he's 12 or 13." In the photo, that's Maat with her head up. You have to look closely to see Shu curled up with her.

1 comment:

  1. Bastet looks down from the heavens and smiles on her subjects! Excellent news!


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