Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Andy!

Another very happy Andy update from his family.

Just thought I would send you a quick update on Andy. He's doing great! We made our move and he LOVES it here. Lots of windows and there's always something exciting to watch--cars, people, rabbits, birds. It's kitty TV all the time!

He and I are definitely developing a best buddies relationship and boy, has his personality blossomed now that he's sure that he's king of the castle! His favorite toys by far are little fuzzy mice and while he's stopped "bowling" with his food dishes (whew!) he has recently started door surfing.

He was pretty scared of people other than me for awhile but is coming around to be petted by strangers now. Still not a lap cat which is fine--but he will nearly do somersaults to put his head in my hand if I'm not petting him. He sings for his supper (and breakfast) but is pretty quiet otherwise (except to scold me when I return home--whether from a day of work or from a quick run to take out the trash). A total sprawler (you were right!) he LOVES his half of the King-sized bed. LOL. It's pretty funny that a cat can take up that much room!

Anyway, thank you so much for helping me find him. He's the best thing that happened to me this year. And like the magnet I bought at the pet store said, "Who rescued who?" It's very true.

Rachel, Andy's Mom

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